VERTEX, a four year project research started in January 2013
Many scientific challenges accompany or anticipate the development of composite structures in particular in the field of aeronautics. These include in particular the prediction of damage under impact, crashworthiness, of structural details by tests under static and cyclic loadings. The scientific community agrees on the relevance of multi-scale or multi-levels approaches for a detailed description of the behavior. VERTEX project proposes to develop a methodology for the analysis and for a general validation that is positioned at the scale of composite structures. The methodology will enable an improved and extended test / calculation dialogue, which is a necessary step towards the Virtual Testing.
Synthetically, the VERTEX project aims to provide a coupled experimental/measure/calculation scientific methodology to identify the behavior of composite structure. This methodology will also be able to discriminate the relevance of different models of literature. Because of its universal character, this approach will enable the aeronautic industry and others to validate research or technology of composite structures at reasonable costs.
CORRELISTC will benefit from the advances of this program in the development of the link between experiment and simulation.
The project is supported by ANR.
Partners :
EADS IW Eads innovation works
ENS Cachan - LMT Cachan Ecole normale supérieure de cachan- laboratoire de mécanique et technologies
HOLO 3 Holo 3
ICA-INSA Institut clément ader
ICA-ISAE Institut clément ader
ICA-UPS Institut clément ader
SAMTECH France Lms samtech france
ONERA Office national d’etudes et de recherche aérospatiales